I changed the main page of the site a bit and replaced the backgrounds of the other pages with .jpg's instead of .png's so that they'll load faster. Let me know what you think of the new page, feedback is always appreciated.
Also sorry for not updating for 2-3 months, I'm hoping to start putting up pages for The Wired soon, that's where I'll start to add some more interesting content to the site.
You can't disconnect 01/11/2016 Ω
The Disconnect page is finished for now. It's got some links to other cool sites you should check out, I'm also going to add an option other than "Reconnect" at some point, which will take you to some other cool pages, but for now it's just for links.
If you want me to add a link to your site send me a message and I'll take a look at it.
The Rumors page was finished 31/10/2016 Ω
Well mostly anyway, I'll probobly end up changing it around a bit in the future, but for right now I think it looks pretty decent and I've got the scrolling working.
If anyone reading this hates scrollbars as much as I do, look at the source code for this page, the webkit block of the style section will remove the scrollbars from your page, it is the greatest thing.
Edit: So apperantly the scrollbars only work on Chrome, I tried to quickly restructure the page to make it work on everything, but it wasnt working right. For now people using other browsers will just have to deal with having scrollbars.
The Rumors page went live 30/10/2016 Ω
It's not done but when it is it'll have updates and other things related to this site probobly
On a somewhat unrelated note: Neocities is telling me that I've got about 5,000 views, which I think is probobly wrong, I only just made this site about 4 days ago, and up until just now, it's only had 1 page.
If anyone is here feel free to send me a message on Neocities, on Twitter or at my Email address webnavi@airmail.cc